Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What's in the Fridge? The full length film

Check out my friend Joel Whalen's What's in the Fridge? He's was nice enough to release it free online!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The November Recap

This season started off with a bang in Utah. With snow totals well over 100 inches already, this has proven to be one of the best Novembers I can remember. It's nice to be able to hit the ground running and dive head first into the season. Literally.

Touring up Alta after the first storms. Alta is the hottest back country spot in the
Wasatch when the lifts aren't running.

Learning new tricks already! Switch backflip. Photo by Max Lowe

Carston Oliver. Photo by Max Lowe

Shane Metos. Photo by Max Lowe

Here's a little edit I put together with our Go Pro Cameras:

Best November Ever in the Wasatch from Eric Balken on Vimeo.